IAC Preliminary Meeting: Abstract Writing and Research

IAC 2023 Logo: A blue circle with a red and green semi circle on either side of a white rocket in the center with flames coming out.
Nov 17, 2022
Time: Thursday 11:30am-12:15pm
Page Hall Room 240A
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Featured speaker:
Dr. Elizabeth Newton, Executive Director, Ohio State's Battelle Center
Registration closed: Nov 16, 2022
More information
Registration closed: Nov 16, 2022

Are you looking to submit an abstract and present your research for the International Astronautical Congress in Baku, Azerbaijan for 2023? Join Dr. Elizabeth Newton to learn more about the process and to help you get started on formulating an abstract to submit to IAC for your chance to present next year! Research topics can be almost anything related to aerospace from engineering technology, biology and health, education, and more! Research can be something you've already completed, something that you plan on completing in the near future, or even a literature review with impacts on the community. Register today and join this short meeting to get information and learn how you can be a part of one of the largest aerospace conferences in the world!

Submissions are due for IACE on Friday, 10 February 2023. Get started now!