Imagine your family is on a trip, driving late at night, excited to reach your dream vacation spot when, all of the sudden, the GPS on your phone gives out and you and your family are stuck in the middle of nowhere with no one to help you - all because of a short that occurred in a satellite hundreds of miles above you. Then, to make matters worse, you feel the brakes in your car slowly give out and fail all because of another preventable short in your car's braking system. Although this is nearing a worst case scenario, it unfortunately isn't as unlikely as you may think. Tin whiskers are the problem and their growth can cause shorts in electrical circuits. Being able to mitigate its effects can save potential losses in both safety and finance for those affected. So, sponsored by NASA, MDA, and NAVSEA our team got to work brainstorming and doing all of the research that we could. To solve this problem, we interviewed over 50 specialists with various backgrounds from our sponsors' organizations and other industries and we read numerous pieces of literature in the process. Wanting to find the best solution to tin whiskers we first looked at how we could prevent growth altogether. But, after much discussion, we found that we may not be the best suited to crack the code to this 50 year old problem. Being our stubborn selves, it wasn't the easiest change to make but we then realized there was another possible solution to work towards that may be just as effective. So we then made a pivot. With the guidance of our sponsors, we decided to predict the probability of tin whiskers falling and bridging and causing a short instead of the original formation of tin whiskers. We were able to create a tool to help predict this probability by using a monte carlo simulation as well as degradation mechanisms and combining the two to create the final P.O.F of the problem and merge with consequence levels created by the user to come up with the final risk. This final and complete tool uses a very simple user interface comprised of units with clear instructions and labeled outputs. The result of the tool is then filled into the color coded risk matrices that show clearly if the system is at risk and if and when it needs to be fixed. Thus making a mission assurance team report very easy. These easy to read matrices show the full result of what you need to know and then can be properly documented and shared with mission assurance teams to create the best course of action.