Health care is an industry that uses a lot of energy every day. A 24 hour need for powerful scanners and systems to be running puts a big tap on the energy grid at all times. The need for sustainable energy and energy saving practices is important to the mission of preventing climate change. But healthcare presents its own challenges to this endeavor.
Theo Sergakis is the Director of Energy and Sustainability with the Ohio Hospital Association. He works directly with health care systems to work on efforts to increase sustainable energy practices and uses in hospitals. He can speak to the unique challenges in health care to incorporate sustainability practices and the ways this challenge is being tackled in Ohio!
Theo Sergakis Bio:
Theodore “Theo” Sergakis works at the Ohio Hospital Association as Director of the Energy & Sustainability Program. Engaging with hospitals as they work to reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The program offers support to hospitals across the state and works to advocate on their behalf in state level decisions. Theo brings a wealth of experience in both energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Leveraging his passion for sustainability and clean energy transformation, Theo has developed and led utility scale and energy efficiency initiatives both in health system and business sectors. Previously working as a project manager at the Ohio State Energy Partnership here at the University.
Theo holds a Master of Business Operational Excellence degree with a healthcare focus and a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree from The Ohio State University and a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.