Geomatics Emerging Scientist Consortium for Education, Research and Capabilities Enhancement (GEO-ESCON)

Welcome to GEO-ESCON, where geomatics excellence and collaboration converge to shape a brighter future!

We are the Geomatics Emerging Scientist Consortium for Education, Research, and Capabilities Enhancement (GEO-ESCON), an initiative of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Office of Geomatics (NGA). Our goal is to advance geomatics expertise and capabilities, paving the way for innovative solutions and discoveries. 

As the managing higher education partner of the GEO-ESCON consortium, The Ohio State University takes pride in leading this endeavor. We are committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence and research that propels the geomatics field forward.  

GEO-ESCON provides a unique platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing amongst higher education institutions and NGA. Institutions of higher education are invited to participate in the consortium based on their capabilities in geomatics and related fields. Together, we aim to accelerate the development of geospatial technologies, promote interdisciplinary research, and nurture a new generation of geomatics professionals.  

On this website, you will find information about the GEO-ESCON consortium, its members, and ongoing initiatives. Explore our resources, discover the latest advancements in geomatics, and learn how you can contribute to shaping the future of the critical field.  

Whether you are a researcher, a student, or a professional in the geomatics community, GEO-ESCON serves as a gateway to a network of experts and opportunities. We encourage you to engage with us, participate in relevant opportunities, and contribute your unique perspectives and expertise.