VIRTUAL Community Conversation: Dr. Brandi Wooten

Headshot of Brandi Wooten in a PhD graduation robe.
January 22, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

About this event

Brandi Wooten is a research materials engineer at the Army Research Lab specializing in topological, thermal, and magnetic materials. Advised by Prof. Joseph Heremans in the Thermal Materials Lab, she graduated from OSU December 2023 with her PhD in materials science. She is a staunch advocate for women in the military and STEM. As a first-generation student and an undergraduate physics major, she quickly had to adapt to the struggles of military commitments, undergraduate course loads, and part-time employment. Soon after starting her graduate studies, she suffered from major depression and had to learn to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of anti-depressants and mood regulation. Join her as she talks about her non-linear path to federal researcher, her failures and life lessons along the way, and the driving forces behind her current work.

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Dr. Brandi Wooten
Research Technician, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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