Public Interest Technology Career Recruiting, Employment, and Workforce Summit (PITCREWS)

Join us for a new kind of event where you can connect with employers in a more personal way and give yourself the chance to standout as you look for internships, jobs and even a long term career!
February 27, 2025
10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Page Hall
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About this event

The Public Interest Technology Career Recruiting, Employment, and Workforce Summit, or PITCREWS, is unlike any career fair you have attended. Smaller, more personalized and built for students to make genuine connections with companies who want to get to know you rather than a quick pass. 

Register by 2/24 and join us to meet with innovative companies that work in the public interest!

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Confirmed Employers


10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. |Career Summit Exhibition 

10.30 a.m. | Registration and refreshments

11:00 a.m.-12 p.m. | Employer Panel and Q&A

2.30 p.m. -3.30 p.m. | Concurrent Career Services Breakout Sessions 

3.45 p.m. | Closing remarks