Community Conversations Return In-Person
A New Normal
After 18 months of virtual delivery for our Student Communities of Practice and Engagement (SCOPEs), we have finally been able to gather our students together at Ohio State Battelle Center.

All three of our SCOPE Community Conversations met over the first few weeks of classes to get reacquainted and begin to rebuild the feelings of community that get lost in translation over a computer screen. Over 50 students joined our Welcome Back Student Community events from across the university. Just the sound of students talking and connecting has made the center feel a little closer to what it has always been.
The most noteworthy of our communities to meet was around sustainable energy. This Student Community, sponsored by Invenergy, began in the fall of 2020, and had never been able to meet in-person before. It was truly a joy to see students gather and get to meet face-to-face for the first time. Not to mention being able to introduce them to Ohio State Battelle Center in Page Hall.
Our Air & Space and Infectious Diseases Student Communities were also able to meet and continue the conversations they have been having for over two years. So many students have returned after the long wait along with some brand-new faces.
Ohio State Battelle Center continues to provide a virtual option for students and guests to lower the barriers to access to our community. This will allow guests from all over the country to join the conversation while giving students their best opportunity to take advantage of the center’s programming.
To learn more about upcoming events, check out our events page and make plans to join us!