Dr. Kelsa Palomares of Analytical Mechanics Associates Joins Our Air & Space Community
Dr. Kelsa Palomares, a nuclear systems engineering manager with Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA), joined our student community to talk about her career and what excites her about the industry.
Dr. Palomares discussed her decision to get a PhD in Nuclear engineering, her time at NASA, and her extensive work with AMA. Students got the opportunity to ask about the latest technologies that she has been working with and what she imagines for the future of the industry.
Jacob Stonehill, a master’s student at Ohio State in Nuclear Engineering, Battelle Center community member, and AMA employee, suggested Dr. Palomares because of her leadership, experience, and willingness to be helpful to young employees and students.
We really appreciate Dr. Palomares making the time to join our community and meet with our students. Thank you to the students who showed interest and learned about internship opportunities and intend to apply!