Our Student Community was lucky to have the founder of UNPREDICTABLEcity, John Paul d’Aversa, speak about his experiences in the sustainability industry.
UNPREDICTABLEcity provides climate planning services all over the world in order to assist communities, government agencies, and organizations with developing context-specific solutions. John Paul develops strategies for energy development and emissions planning.
But John Paul talked a lot about how he started in his professional career and the importance of connecting to the work he does. John Paul talked about working in offices and being frustrated and exhausted. In connecting to his passion for providing sustainable solutions, John Paul noted that he found himself more motivated and even enjoyed the work he was doing.
Stories like these help our students realize how important that connection to purpose and passion is for their careers. Today’s workforce craves the connection to something bigger. While a paycheck is still important to being valued, but a higher purpose helps the workforce feel more fulfilled.
Thank you to John Paul d’Aversa for taking the time to connect with our community and a big thank you to our students for making him feel welcome!