Exclusive Meet & Greet: AEP Ohio

Logo of American Electric Power with those words off center of a red square
February 2, 2023
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Page Hall Room 240A
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About this event

AEP is looking to connect with students interested in the energy industry. With a vast array of internships and job openings, AEP can offer something to all of our students who are looking to break into this exciting field. 

Join us as we meet with various employees of AEP to get a sense of the work, the culture, and how you can become a part of it all. Stay tuned for more information on who will be joining. Some of those attending from AEP include:

Matthew Samborsky, Principle Engineer - Digital Innovation Supervisor
Daniel Connors, New Tech Dev & Policy Supt Engineer
Chip Walton, Designer
Plus members of the recruiting team

Register today and guarantee yourself a meal for this exclusive opportunity!



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